Disturbing Trends
political comment in our turning world
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
This link much hit this day shows what the Iraqi threat consists of. The Left seems to have responded to the Bush battlecry that Inspections are The Answer. But what is the question? If Bush had asked for Inspectors, the Left would be demanding aid. That is the way of politics.
That Iraq has WMD is one thing, but let us just remind ourselves that many other countries already are in possession of WMD. Iraq does not really qualify in the same league as, for example, France, who's advanced nuclear capability puts it beyond the reach of an invader. (Being part of EU may also work for the French).
One generation of war children were convinced that the A-Bomb was the solution to war.
The trouble is that it is not. It is too effective so nobody dares use it, unless the enemy is helpless to respond. Remember the Gulf war? America killed 80,000 hapless Iraqi soldiers while losing just a few of their own to their own bullets. Iraq ineffecively lobbed a few scud missiles but it was little compared to the drubbing they have received ever since. I ask you, who is more likely to use a nuclear warhead? Iraq, Pakistan or America? The international reaction to the scuds was highly disproportionate to the actual threat they posed. It was the nature of the threat.
Iraq may pose an enormous threat to America in that losing Saddam as a bad guy may impede Saudi relations. Yes they should have finished the job, they already knew he was terrifying and evil. To go after Saddam now with military gusto and bravado may run out of steam before America can justify what it would have to spend to assimilate Iraq into its jurisdiction.
It already has its moderate Government in Kabul, with all the stability of a hairdo with wings.
Jimmy Carter
4:32 PM
Biotech Story
If Osama and his den of thieves were to "win" our world would grind to a halt.
That, not being at all likely, gives us new nightmares which are starting to sound more alarming like the spate of truly silly spider films that seek to reprogram our thinking about these sweet, well intentioned creatures. If, by some wild chance mixed with good old science were to generate arachnids large enough to fight tanks, I ask you, were will all that gloop come from?
And...Gasp! What if our children's thinking could in fact be programmed to contain only those objects we have approved. Would we evolve a carefully sanitised and ordered world suddenly overtaken by some more evolved brat that can think outside of the collective.
Oh Gosh! The possibilities of progress under a ruthless and irresistable campaign of eternal obedience. The disturbing thing is the power base or financial centrifuge itself adopting the principles that held it in shadow. It is how organisms improve. Because the security forces were overwhelmed by clear thinking about vulnerability, it follows that these security forces adopt more focused and direct responses. Evolution works.
Then again, I thought twice before featuring a hacker page of replacement personalities for those Sony Dog things people keep as "pets". Somethings are just not worth having. How do you know it isn't part of some electronic conspiracy and may receive a new instruction from its community any second to change.
10:01 AM
Sunday, September 08, 2002
Noam Chomsky
Although the pure poetry of the writing of the great linguist would be happier to live under Chaos Matters , it is more predictably found here.
This article was published in The Guardian .
This is the British newspaper that said 100 planes when mr bush meant 25 planes. Why can't they get it right?
8:31 PM
Each day we wake a few minutes earlier, in order to pull back the atomic clock or at least enjoy the dawn while it still exists.
The Disaster Calendar may be a better metaphor, with just a few safe-ish days not stroked in red marker. Disturbing. One day has perhaps an asteroid the size a small mountain brushing our atmosphere within the next million or two years, or an unmanagable plague tearing humanity after shreads evolve past biological threats escaping from a future genetic nightmare laboratory.
We are here. The age of not knowing where things come from. When war is called excercises which just happen to kill a few of the probable enemy combatant personae friendly fire kills "our boys" painting an inaccurate picture of absolute sacrifice when in fact its risk minisation that let the Bin Laden mob escape.
It is only a matter of time. So hold on, and enjoy your part of the ride, its all downhill from here.
It is like Mr Bush believes in the end of the world as predicted in Armageddon. But like most big egos he has written himself into the starring roles, "with the Big Guy".
If America uses all the oil, it will make more money, and since the world is just a creation of God, His Divinity can simply make us saved ones a new playground.
Scarey way to think. Certain dinosaurs were perhaps thinking how good it was to be able to eat as much Blue Lupin Spine as they could get their jaws around, they were so in love with it. Until they ate it out of existence, and they followed suit.
1:05 PM
Saturday, September 07, 2002
Every so often the blogger should take you to one side and whisper in your ear: this is the way things are done around here. This is one of those entries.
Blogging is perhaps an art and gives us all a chance to rave, and a few of us are serious readers, if not writers, trying to create a record of our times.
Some of us are military sorts, some are dreamers some are jelly-spined liberals and some of us are ordinary people, astonished at the lengths others go to maintain a balance of power between the people guests of this fragile glass world.
It is fairly easy to see the direction of this glob but writing liberal stodge every day is not my aim. But to express dismay, to release my feelings of anaethema to war so that when the time comes, I can still write rationally about it.
I am encouraged, a little fiction set loose from the log jam. And the latest poetry appears in Chaos Matters, regularly.
The last couple seem to be developing.
It must be spring (on the Southern Hemishphere).
2:17 PM
Friday, September 06, 2002
From NZ Herald
"You have a low-grade headache about the war on Iraq, but the real pain in your stomach is the economy," said Jon Brorson, director of equities at Northern Trust Co.
and from another article in the
NZ Herald we can see what The rest of the World wants America to think about may cause headaches not always stomachable.
Weapons inspectors with an armed guard, 50,000 troups is not an invasion, is it. I am sure Saddam is expecting 50,000 troups to accompany weapons inspectors.
Then we can all be truly scared that perhaps that guy that made Independence Day now is trying to scare us with many large ariachnids. Roland Emmerich. Good film maker, not so good story teller. Now I feel this is true blogging, the self-referencial dribble stuff slash news commentary that entertains about 500 people quietly chuckling or quickly closing yet annother rave about da war!
I had been avoiding, but tonight, well tonight is the night to cross over to my poetry blog Chaos Matters where I may attempt to write about Mullholland Drive. Or something along those lines.
It is sometimes a bit more disturbing that the silly real world and the extra dumb war which seems to have started without anyone actually taking responsibility for it - see The Guardian . So the UK and USA are dropping bombs on Iraq not all that far from the capital city. Why has war not been declared? Is that why Tony is off to spend the weekend with George and all this talk of history in the making, pictures of GW against Mr Rushmore and Churchillian expressions the new gait of Blairs visage.
I wonder if war needs to be declared in this case. Why should anyone care? We all seem to have a strange little voice telling us how inevitable it is becoming and that there is little to differentiate Hitler from Saddam Hussein. We lived with Stalin and Mao who killed far more, but America must have a guilt complex far deeper than anyone had imagined for them to go after Saddam, unless of course they are on the money, and then, well - tally ho boys, good luck out there, all that. But until the world sees the evidence the lurking voice in the back of everyone's head will turn around and say "no, this isn't right no more..."
Maybe GW Bush has the moral authority because his father created Saddam, and bin Ladin. Well, they didn't really, but they have never disputed it, and their actions certainly bolstered and helped each into power. The rest was of course up to their own devious or brilliant deeds.
That's enough for one night. I hope the war is over, tomorrow.
6:59 AM
Wednesday, September 04, 2002
NZ Herald
Native rights
Our wonderful PM teetering after a sure fire election nightmare, has become the lone voice to speak out against injustices to the farmers of Zimbabwe.
That Mugabe attempts to protect his homeland rights for "his people" by acts of violence or force against the rule of law is the naked actions of dictatorship, and need we point out his policies are racist?
Indeed, but is he right to pick on the English heritage of some of his citizenry or did that method of human selection get kind of outlawed when the Nazis were exterminated and the forces of evil totally cleaned off the pate of this shiney planet?
In the same way that terrorism is not wiped out by causing it, you can not correct the wrongs of a past generation by victimising their inheritors. If there is a case to answer it of course is imperative that Mugabe respect human rights and allow due process to apply to any evictions through established legal criteria.
Helen Clark may be from a less than significant country but she is just as significant a politician as Powell, who was pretty much the factor that allowed Bush to take office. That and Florida. But Powell has been sidelined from the start, his seemingly moderate views is Bush's Good Cop and Rumsfeld is just one of many bad cops that justifies.
To hear him decry the illegal deeds of the dictator Mugabe must have been truly galling to those who share some of his racial characteristics but none of his inner workings.
Powell may not seem all that significant in the American Government equation as his speech seems to indicate, but his position in American history is already well established.
2:42 PM