Disturbing Trends
political comment in our turning world
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
"In last night's presidential debate, Rudolph Giuliani sharply criticized Ron Paul's argument that the united states was attacked due to its historical intervention in the middle east, implying that it was "an absurd explanation for September 11th". He Then proceeded to ask Paul to retract his statement." - article on digg.comSearch for Ron Paul Republican on YouTube to see various copies of him speaking on the Fox channel organized Republican debate. Ron Paul is definitely the dark horse in this race probably led by Mitt Romney or John McCain. Republicans all secretly want Rudi Guilliani to win, but something (mainly Ron Paul) has been convicing to say that the 9/11 Mayor has no chance against any of the main democrats. God help him if he debates with either. Moral leadership has been proven unreliable by George Bush. Taking a country to war over the actions of some of its guests is one thing, but invading a country on false pretexts is beyond the pale. Without question, George Bush's actions are evil. He is protecting a spoit brat. But Osama bin Laden - it does not matter how rational your arguments appear. Whatever - you committed an act of war against civilians and changed the world, especially America for the worse. Most of the world do not share you belief system but some of your values certainly. But taking these actions causes the democracies of the West to support the actions of the US Government. Your deed was not approved of by divinity. You may have turned a few heads, but your actions have driven Muslims to their death's in a most pointless war. It is sad that you could not live in the post modern world. Your faith suffered the worst natural disaster in the history of mankind on Dec 26th 2004. By the logic of your faith you have to see that the natural sacrifice of 200,000 Muslims by an act of God is seen as a sign that continued acts of war, continued suicide bombings and more hatred are a crime against all Muslims.Two wrongs do not make a right.Two flaming idiots do not make a genius.
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8:58 PM